Central tenets of fascism
Discuss the central tenets of fascism. Explicate the relation between individual and the state from the perspective of fascism.
Fascism is a complex incoherent बेतुका
doctrine that has emerged from heterogeneous sources and socio-cultural traditions, only to evolve on instrument of mass appeal and mass mobilization for the attainment of political goals.
According to William E Benstein, despite being an incoherent philosophy, it is possible to identify its core principles or a ‘fascism minimum’ or its structural core.
I. Anti-rationalism
It constitute the fundamental idea of the fascist world-view. Fascism suggests to abandon reason and rational thinking by proclaiming that human beings are motivated by their powerful emotions and will rather than the rational mind.
It facilitated the indiscriminate use of myths as mass propaganda by the proponents of fascism.
II. Totalitarianism
Fascism is characterized by a totalitarian organisation of government and society by a single-party dictatorship.
A fascist state seeks total power through politciization of every aspect of social and personal existence.
The totalitarian element of fascist state is based on the belief that human existence is only meaningful if determined by community and thus, state is recognized as ‘universal ethical will’.
In this context, Mussolini proclaimed ‘everything for the state, nothing against or outside the state’. Thus, fascist state can make any demand, give any order, and require absolute and all-encompassing individual’s obligation without any opposition.
III. Elitism --उत्कृष्टता
Fascism, unlike conventional political philosophy, radically rejects ‘equality’ and is deeply elitist and patriarchal. It is based on the idea that people are essentially different in their mental make-up, physical strength and spiritual or natural endowments.
Fascist notion of elitist is based on Nietsche’s idea of ‘over-man’ or
‘superman’ which refers to a supremely gifted individual.
IV. Militarist
The mass mobilization of fascism is based on the pattern of militarization of politics. As military-organisations are based on unity of command, order and perfect subordination of rank to higher command, a party militia in fascism is used to reinforce the sense of nationalism and wipe out opposition.
The extreme stress on male-dominance and exaltation of youth in a fascist state is also related to its military component.
V. Ultranationalism and Imperialism
• Fascism embraces on extreme version of a tradition of chauvinistic and expansionist nationalism. अराजकतावादी और विस्तारवादी राष्ट्रवाद।
This tradition regarded nations not as equal and interdependent entities,
but as natural rivals in struggle for dominance.
Fascist nationalism didn’t preach
respect for distinctive culture or national traditions, but asserted the superiority of one nation over all others.
• Influenced by social Darwinism (survival of the fittest) and national superiority, fascist nationalism became inextricably linked to imperialism and militarism, because
fascism asserted that national superiority over other can be established only through
expansionism, war and conquest.
Very detailed information!! Keep up the good work. 😊
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